
Human body needs a strong core, and the value of core strength cannot be understated. "Core" refers to a group of muscles in a body.

Importance of Core Strength

Importance of Core Strength

Your entire body is supported by a powerful core muscle group. To strengthen all of these, there are many core exercises available.

Why is core strength necessary?



What are the best home core exercises?

Bodyweight exercises are easy to perform at home and are fantastic for building all of these key abdominal muscles.

- They help with posture. - Relief from back pain - Increase your physical flexibility. - Your motions are more smoothly synchronized.


How planks strengthen your Ab?


Forward Plank

With your hands roughly shoulder-width apart, place them under your shoulders. With your toes and footballs on the mat, lift your body up.


Side plank

Your legs should be straight while you lay on your side. Maintaining a straight posture, raise yourself up using your right forearm.

Your torso should be pushed upwards while you sit with your legs straight and your hands on the mat just below your shoulders.


Reverse plank

Legs raised perpendicular to the floor as you lay on your back on the mat. Slowly bend one leg while maintaining the other's parallel position.


Leg Lowering

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