Benefits & Side effects of Collagen

Collagen is a plentiful protein found in our bodies that helps to maintain the health of our skin, bones, cartilage, eyes, digestive system, and hair.

 Basics of Collagen

Our bones, skin, and connective tissue all contain collagen. Collagen production decreases as we get older.

 What is Collagen?

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein present in skin, muscles, tendons, bones, and ligaments.

 Types of Collagen

Type 1: Hydrates skin, reduces wrinkles & strengthens nails, teeth, hair & bones. Type 2: – Protects spinal discs & eyes and strengthens your body. Type 3: – Keeps joints healthy.

 7 Benefits of Collagen

– Digestive Aid – Improves Skin – Joint Pain Relief – Weight Loss – Boost Metabolism – Liver health – Strengthen Nail

 Side Effects

- If sensitive to milk or fish you may also be allergic to collagen. - Some collagen peptides have a bad after taste. - High calcium content of marine collagen may raise your calcium levels.

Fish: Collagen Rich 

Fish has a high collagen content and is easier to absorb and digest. It also contains marine collagen from mackerel, salmon, and other fish.

Egg: Collagen-Fortified

Eggs are a fantastic source of protein that may help to increase the suppleness and regeneration of the skin.

 Meat: High in Collagen

Amino acids, which are abundant in meat, contribute in cell development. It's a popular collagen source with a lot of protein.

 Nuts: Collagen-Dense

A high source of collagen protein is nuts. Any health drink or smoothie can be improved by adding your favourite nuts.

Bone Broth: Healthy Source of Collagen

Bone broth is high in collagen. It is a bone-building meal. You can use bone broth to make soup or other dishes.


To sum up, collagen is safe to eat. The side effects are minor and insignificant. Collagen ingestion is generally safe for adults.

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