A lot of Protein: Which are The 23 Best Food Sources?

Do you want to increase your daily protein consumption? Are you looking for a high-protein meal? The minimum daily consumption of protein should be 50 grams per day. However, if you don’t want to depend on protein powder, this article is for you.

Can you gain muscle without eating a lot of protein?

A lot of protein food helps improve overall health and enhance muscle growth and weight loss. So, what could help you increase your protein intake in your diet?

What has a lot of protein got to do with good health? Well, it has immense benefits.

  • Reduces Hunger
  • Increases Muscle mass
  • It is suitable for bones
  • Keeps you satiated
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Aids in weight loss

Today, we will talk about how to add a lot of protein to your daily diet.

How Can I Get 60 grams of Protein a Day?

Instead of eating all your protein in one meal, consider spreading your consumption throughout the day.

Lot of protein

Always strive for a minimum of 20 to 35 grams of protein per sitting. By adequately distributing protein intake throughout the day, you maximize protein benefits for muscle health.

How much protein do I need? If you are a physically active person with 75 kg weight, you must consume 75 grams of protein per day at 1 gm for every kg body weight. This can be increased to 2g or 3g for every kg body weight in consultation with your doctor and trainer. You can indulge yourself in these top 10 protein foods that contain enough protein.

These are some of the highest protein foods per 100g.

  • Dried Fish – 62g
  • Shrimps – 24g
  • Tilapia – 26g
  • Boiled Eggs – 13g
  • Tuna – 28g
  • Chicken Breast – 27g
  • Turkey Breast – 29g
  • Halibut – 22.5g
  • Pollock – 17g
  • Cod – 18g

Which Fruits Have More Protein?

The number of protein examples is less in fruits. Fruit is not a high-protein food. On average, one cup or one small unit of fruit has around 15g of carbs, 1g of fats, and 1g of protein. This means that fruit comprises 80-90% carbs, and the rest is divided into protein and fats. 

High protein foods list of only fruits that you must eat to stay fit:

Guavas 100g

Macro NutrientsValue/Unit
Total lipid (fat)0.95g
Lot of Protein
Lot of Protein

Avocados 100g

Macro NutrientsValue/Unit
Total fat14.66g

Apricots 100g

Macro NutrientsValue/Unit
Total fat0.3g
Lot of Protein
Lot of Protein

Kiwifruit 100g

Macro NutrientsValue/Unit
Total fat0.5g

BlackBerries 100g

Macro NutrientsValue/Unit
Total fat0.5g
Lot of Protein

In addition, these fruits have high amounts of micronutrients and fibre.

What foods have a lot of protein?

Several foods have high protein content.

These three protein-rich foods on the market have very balanced calories and other macronutrients.

Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is an excellent source of lean protein, making it a popular addition to a healthy diet. It contains 0g of fiber, 2.7g of fat, 128 calories, 0g of carbs, and 26g of protein.

Lot of Protein
Lot of Protein

Sardines Fish

Fish is high in vitamin B12, vitamin D, and calcium but also high in protein. Also, they are low in saturated fat and sugar-free. It contains 7g of fat, 125 calories, 0g of carbs, 0g of fiber, and 14.8g of protein.


Turkey is an excellent source of protein. If you try removing the skin and choosing white meat, it is more nutritious. It contains 177 calories, 8.4g of fat, 23.7g of protein, 0g of carbs, and 0g of fiber.

Lot of Protein

High-Protein Foods Vegetarian

Experts believe that a balanced diet should supply all essential elements. Protein-rich diets build muscle, keep you fuller longer, and aid in weight reduction. Here is a protein foods list for weight loss. These tasty veggies are rich in protein per serving.


Pea protein is a high-quality, naturally vegan, and hypoallergenic protein. It is also a great source of iron and has been found to support weight management, muscle growth, and heart health improvement.

Lot of Protein
Lot of Protein


Soybean is higher in protein and quality than all other legumes. It reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer. It also provides heart-healthy fat and is one of the few good sources of essential fatty acids.


Kale is a superfood. Add kale to a salad, soup, or casserole, or combine it into a green smoothie for a significant protein boost.

Lot of Protein


Spinach is a protein paradox. Science shows that spinach has a higher protein-to-calorie ratio but is not extra rich in protein, providing 3g per 100 grams.

Lot of Protein
Lot of Protein


You can add broccoli to your daily diet to increase your protein consumption. Broccoli has higher protein compared to other vegetables on the market.

Which Foods Help Burn Belly Fat?

Are you looking for foods that help to burn stubborn belly fat? We have made a list of the top 3 foods that will help you to fight against belly fat. Yogurt and beans are good sources of protein for vegetarians.

Let’s look at the below-mentioned list to get a better idea of it:


Fat-free yogurt has fat-burning properties that target belly fat. Eating three servings of fat-free yogurt daily loses significantly more fat.

Lot of Protein
Lot of Protein


Beans contain a good amount of soluble fiber that helps to reduce excess fat from the digestive system. Therefore, if you are a bean lover, you can shed those extra fats from your belly to lose significant weight.

Diluted Vinegar

Have you heard of apple cider vinegar? It works as a great fat-loss agent if you consume it empty stomach every morning. It not only helps to improve metabolism but also aids in fat loss.

Lot of Protein

Fast Food with Lots of Protein

Here are some high-protein fast-food meals that you can order:

Panera Teriyaki Chicken & Broccoli Bowl: This bowl has 46 grams of protein and contains cilantro, lime brown rice, quinoa, broccoli, and sesame seeds.
Chipotle High Protein Bowl: This bowl has 82 grams of protein and contains white rice, double chicken, black beans, red salsa, romaine lettuce, and sour cream.
McDonald’s McDouble: This burger has 22 grams of protein and contains two beef patties, cheese, pickles, onions, ketchup, and mustard.
Burger King Double Cheeseburger: This burger has 24 grams of protein and contains two beef patties, cheese, pickles, ketchup, and mustard.
Starbucks Turkey Bacon, Cheddar & Egg White Sandwich: This sandwich has 17 grams of protein and contains turkey bacon, cheddar cheese, and egg whites on an English muffin.

But do check total calories and transfats before having any of these.

How Do I know if I’m eating Too Much Protein?

You must consider these few warnings or signs to detect if you add too much protein to your daily diet.

Lot of Protein

Generally, protein is not bad. But then the excess of anything is bad. If you are consuming or planning to increase protein consumption, it is better to consult your doctor. It is also recommended that protein consumption be increased slowly over a period of time, say a month or a quarter.

Protein itself cannot be stored in the body. If you are consuming excess protein, it will either flow out of your body or be converted to fat and stored in the body. So it is better to increase your activity along with an increase in protein consumption so you may develop some strength and muscles.

In itself, if you consume excess protein, it can lead to the following problems.

  • Dehydration
  • Constipation
  • Sudden weight gain
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
  • Sudden exhaustion
  • Liver & kidney injuries
  • Blood vessel disorders
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Intestinal discomfort


You will note that the article has a complete mix of all food for protein consumption. It is essential to have the maximum possible variety in your food to get the maximum possible nutrients, whether macro, micro, fiber, vitamins, or minerals.

Recently, high-protein diets have become very popular among millennials. Studies have shown protein-rich diet helps to maintain fullness after a meal, controls unwanted food cravings, aids in weight loss, and helps to control food behaviors in the body.

However, ensure everything you consume in a high-protein diet should have a balanced proportion. Too much protein intake can cause discomfort to your body. It is always recommended to consult an expert to guide you through a protein-rich diet.


What happens if you eat too much protein?

Excess protein is flushed out of the system or converted and stored as fat if you eat too much protein.
It can lead to complications like dehydration, constipation, nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, or intestinal discomfort.

What food is highest in protein?

Non-vegetarian food is the highest in protein. Beef, chicken breast, and fish are some of these. Soy, nuts, pulses, and beans are also high in protein.

Is eating lots of protein good?

Yes, eating lots of protein is good for health at any age. But consult your doctor to know how much is too much.

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