Fat Storage: Number 1 Problem Faced by Plus Sized People!

If calories are not quickly used for energy, the body stores them as fat for later use. As humans evolved, fat storage was important to their survival because it gave them a way to get energy when there wasn’t enough food.

Your body stores extra calories as fat in several places. By growing fat cells already present in the body or producing new ones, your body stores this fat in specialized fat cells (adipose tissue), which are used for storage. If you cut your food intake and consume fewer calories than you burn, or if you exercise more and burn more calories, your body will reduce part of its fat stores. As a result, both your waistline and fat cells shrink.

How does the Body Store Fat?

Triglycerides, the name was given to fats in science, are modules of one glycerol module and three fatty acid chains.

Fats enter the body in this structure as food but must be broken down into individual components to pass through the digestive wall. For the fatty acids and glycerol to reach the cell through the cell membrane, they are broken down once more by muscle and fat cells after reforming into triglycerides as they leave the digestive tract.

Fat cells, or adipocytes, are the primary cells responsible for fat storage in triglyceride form. White adipose cells store fat so that it can be used as energy, while brown adipose cells only make heat.

It’s important to remember that the body generates additional fat from proteins and carbohydrates, so it doesn’t just store the fat from food. These extra fats help to explain why a low-fat diet won’t always lead to weight loss because they are designed to make it easier for energy to be stored in fat cells.

What are the different types of Fat?

You may gain weight if you consume certain meals in excess because they cause fat storage. Consuming a lot of saturated fats, which are present in animal products, including whole-milk dairy products, butter, cheese, and fatty meats, can especially raise your levels of bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LPL). Trans fats, which are present in fried food, can be said to be similar.

Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, can work to raise your levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol, while lowering your LPL levels. Fish, almonds, avocados, canola, and olive oils are all sources.

But it’s crucial to keep in mind that all fats are high in calories (1 gm fat is equal to 9 calories) and, if eaten in large amounts, can lead to the development of major health problems like high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

Where is fat stored?

Different people store fat in different parts of their bodies. This is partially caused by how many adipose cells there are and how many of them are filled with fat in a particular area. Steroid hormones and the number of their receptors in different body parts also affect where body fat is stored. Men and women have different bodies because they release different steroid hormones and have more or less of their receptors in different parts of their bodies. Long-term, chronic stress is a major factor in determining where fat is deposited.

So, while we all have fat, people store it in various places. Some people have stomach fat, while others have it on their thighs, hips, and other prominent areas. Unfortunately, we cannot directly influence the location of fat storage in our bodies.

Furthermore, healthy fats have a significant function in delivering energy to our bodies and regulating our body temperature, hormone production, inflammation reduction, and so on.

Where does the Body Store Fat First?

Most people tend to gain weight in their waist, hips, and thighs. However, your genes, sex, age, and hormones may impact how much fat you have and where it accumulates.

How does the Body Burn Stored Fat?

The brain tells the fatty acid molecules, which hold energy, to leave the fat cells and go into the bloodstream. The heart, lungs, and muscles all take in these fatty acids, break them down, and then use the energy in the bonds to do their own jobs. The scraps that are left over are thrown away when we breathe, make carbon dioxide or pee. As a result, the fat cell is rendered empty and unusable. Since the cells truly have a brief lifespan, the body absorbs the empty space and doesn’t replenish it when they die. Over time, the body stops storing energy (i.e., calories) from meals and transfers it directly to the required organs.

So, the body adjusts by reducing the number and size of fat cells, which speeds up the metabolism even when the body is at rest, reduces inflammation, treats disease, and makes people live longer. In the long run, if we maintain this state, the body will reabsorb the extra empty fat cells and remove them as waste, making us slimmer and healthier overall.

How is fat stored in the body?

Hormones are everything regarding how or where fat is stored in the body.

Hormones are a major influence on where we store our body fat. Your hormone level determines how much fat you have and where it is distributed. Understanding specific hormones and how they act can help you decide what to do about your body fat. 

Here are some of the most common hormones and their effects on fat:

  • Insulin

Insulin is also an adipogenic hormone that makes the fat build up under the skin and in the liver, muscles, pancreas, heart, and other tissues. Insulin does this by making the body take in more fatty acids and making it easier to make triglycerides. This, in turn, stimulates the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. This causes the fat pockets known as “love handles” to form on your hips. The easiest way to stop this is to eat less sugar and carbs. 

  • Estrogen

Having more estrogen causes the growth of arm and thigh fat. The main female sex hormone can cause fat to build up in these areas, which can be hard to eliminate. Try to eliminate BPA-containing products and chemicals in skin care products.

  • Thyroxine

This is a thyroid hormone that contributes to upper back fat. If you have upper back fat, consider increasing your intake of cruciferous vegetables and avoid soy and gluten-containing foods for a period.

  • Cortisol

Cortisol, sometimes known as the stress hormone, directly impacts the amount of fat in your stomach. Of course, other hormones like estrogen and insulin and environmental factors like stress and bad food can also contribute to belly fat. However, cortisol levels can be raised by consuming more lean meats, vegetables, and fruits.

Can you change where Fat is Stored?

However, no amount of diet or exercise will make you into a person who naturally stores lipids in a different location. Sit-ups and squats can help shape our bodies differently. There is just one way to achieve it: modify your hormones. Your sexual hormones, in particular.

Why does the Body Store fat in the Belly?

Weight gain in your stomach could be the result of certain lifestyle choices. Stress and sugar are two factors that influence the size of your belly. Several medical problems and hormonal changes can cause weight gain in the abdomen.

What Exercise burns the most Belly Fat?

Crunches are the most efficient exercise for burning belly fat. When it comes to fat-burning workouts, crunches come first. Laying flat and bending your knees while placing your feet on the ground is a good place to start.

Can you feel your body storing fat?

Deep inside the abdominal cavity, visceral fat is located. It encircles important organs like the heart, liver, and intestines. It cannot be touched or felt, unlike subcutaneous fat.

When does the body begin storing fat?

Your waistline absorbs the fat from your food in less than four hours, according to a 2012 Oxford University study. It takes nine calories of protein or carbohydrate to generate 1 gram of fat. Thus, protein and carbohydrates take a little longer to digest since the liver must first turn them into fat.

Why do I Store so much fat in my Legs?

Estrogen is the primary cause of thigh weight gain. This hormone makes fat cells grow faster in women, causing fat to build up most often around the buttocks and thighs.

What Body type Stores fat in the Legs?

Body Type 3: Lower Body Obesity (Gynoid)

Gynoid body types, also called “pear-shaped,” have a rounder lower half and more fat in the hips, buttocks, and thighs.

Can Fat be removed from Legs?

Targeting fat in the thighs, lower buttocks, calves, and knees with liposuction is successful. You can get rid of even your ankle fat. Keep in mind that liposuction is not a complete weight-loss procedure. Patients should be between 15-20% above or under their ideal body weight for the surgery.

How long does it take to slim down your legs?

Generally speaking, it might take 6 to 12 weeks of continuous lifestyle adjustments to see your legs look thinner. Having said that, some women might see a difference in as little as six weeks, while others might not see a difference until 12 weeks have passed.

Where is the first place you lose Fat?

Most of the time, weight loss is an internal process. Your liver, kidneys, and other hard-to-reach fat will initially be lost, followed by soft fat around your waist and thighs. You get leaner and stronger when the fat around your organs reduces.

How to Burn Fat Effectively?

Reducing your calorie consumption is the best approach to losing weight. You need to eat 500 fewer calories each day to make a calorie deficit and lose weight. It will be possible for you to lose 500 grams after seven days. You must also keep an active lifestyle by working out for 30 to 60 minutes daily.


For people of all ages, weight increase is a typical cause for concern. Everyone, whether men or women, wants to lose excess weight from their bodies to lead a healthy life. Everybody has fat deposits in various body parts. 

Some people have huge bellies, while others seek to slim down their thighs or waistlines. But we all know that achieving a certain weight loss goal is impossible. You cannot target a specific body part for fat loss with a single workout. Only by following a balanced diet and engaging in vigorous activity will you be able to detect a difference in your general body weight after a few weeks.

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