Best Weight Gainers

7 Best Weight Gainers on The Market: Still, Do You Need Them?

Weight gainers are similar to protein supplements but contain additional ingredients. For example, the best weight gainers contain high amounts of whey protein and carbohydrates, up to about five times the protein quantity.

The best are the weight-gainer shakes that I make at home. I ensure they

  • Have extra quantities of vitamins and minerals.
  • Give me more than regular calories in one serving.
  • It contains a lot of protein, which helps with muscle building.
  • Carbohydrates boost energy, calories, and weight.

What Supplements Should I Take to Bulk Up?

  • You have to see to it that your calorie intake is more than your TDEE.
  • If you cannot eat so much food to keep yourself calorie positive, you need to take weight gainers. If you are doing this you need to check the calories in one scoop of mass gainer 
  • You also have to exercise regularly.  If you do not exercise, then the weight gain will be in fat and not in muscles.

Can Protein Supplements Make You Gain Weight?

Yes, they can help you maintain a good physique, grow lean muscle mass, or even gain weight. Of course, all of this is true, but only if it is accompanied by regular exercise.

There are three types of protein supplements on the market: Whey Protein Powder, mass gainers, and weight gainers. The main difference between the three is that of carbohydrates. Usually, protein powders have 1 to 5 gm of carbs and 100 to 150 calories. Whey protein powders are used in the gym and by athletes to build and maintain muscle mass and endurance.

Difference Between Mass Gainers And Weight Gainers

Mass gainers have carbs up to three times the protein and generally 500 to 1000 calories, and weight gainers have up to 5 times the protein and 1000 to 2000 calories. They also have various vitamins and minerals. Mass gainers are used to build lean muscles. Hard gainers generally find it difficult to gain weight as they have a fast metabolism and can not increase their calories with food. So they need weight gainers.

How Can Skinny People Gain Weight Fast?

You can gain weight fast by consuming Weight Gainers regularly in addition to your food. 

Will A Weight Gainer Make Me Fat?

You can increase muscle mass with them if you exercise regularly and consume a weight gainer post-workout. But, yes, it can make you fat if you do not do any work and drink it.

Workout Recovery

How Can I Gain Weight Quickly?

Being in a calorie surplus regularly can help you gain weight quickly. Unfortunately, some guys resort to binging to gain weight quickly. Please check if your regular diet gives you too many calories and your total daily energy expenditure. Aim for a calorie surplus of 300 to 400 per day.

How To Consume Weight Gainers?

  • Rule No. 1 â€“ Do not make it a food substitute. It is a supplement only.
  • Rule No. 2 – Exercise is essential. If you want to have a muscular build and not be fat, only.
  • Rule No. 3 â€“ Start with half a serving initially or, better still, with a quarter serving. When you are sure you will be able to digest so many calories, you can increase consumption.

How can I consume 3000 calories per day?

You can have the maximum possible calories (1500 to 2000) from the whole food you have, and a serving of a weight gainer will give you 1000 to 2000 extra calories. 

Are the gainers safe?

Hard gainers’ weight issues are significant. However, calories in mass gainers are typically from added carbohydrates. Carbs are a necessary energy source for vigorous exercise, but they don’t create muscles. Knowing whether you need a weight gainer is crucial. Using these doesn’t improve your appearance at the gym.

Mass gainers are great if you want to add calories, but they are full of sugar that can be unhealthy. In addition, mass gainers can upset intolerant stomachs. First-time users should start with a lower dose and increase it gradually.

Yes, they are healthy, no doubt. But take these with precautions and care. A single serving is about 300 gm to 550 gm. One serving can give you up to 2000 calories. This kind of service can be difficult for a person to digest. As a result, a half or quarter serving is sufficient to begin. Increase it over a few weeks as you get used to consuming extra calories.

Be aware of the danger of anabolic steroids, a common ingredient in muscle mass gainers. As a result, liver injuries can occur, says the FDA. Furthermore, they’ve been associated with aggression, acne, hair loss, depression, and behavioural changes.

Are Mass Gainers Safe?

Please do not go overboard by consuming any of these. Youngsters usually start consuming heavy quantities in a hurry to gain muscle mass. Most of these have whey protein. If you are sensitive to whey protein, you may experience stomach upset and cramps. If you have any medical conditions, please consult a doctor before trying any of these. 

What Are The Side Effects Of Weight Gainers?

The side effects of weight gainers can be detrimental.

  • Initially, you are not used to such big servings. As a result, you may experience stomach discomfort.
  • If you take weight gainers as a substitute for food and not as a supplement, your dependence is wholly on weight gainers. It can lead to an imbalance of nutrients in the body.
  • If you don’t exercise, then weight gain will happen through fat instead of muscular gain.

Is There a Pill To Gain Weight?

Yes, there are weight gain pills available on the market through a doctor’s prescription. These are for patients who lose weight for clinical reasons, like cancer or some operations. It would be best if you did not even consider it. These are steroids.

How Can I Gain Weight In 7 Days?

Yes, it is an excellent question. But, it is what you need to avoid. In such a hurry, you might end up spoiling your health. Your body has to get used to the extra calories you take in. So, start slowly, and surely you will gain weight.

Look at the kind of questions we receive from people who want to gain weight fast. I am repeating this below so that you can calm down and have patience. Yes, you will gain weight by helping your body do it rather than going against it and stuffing it with unnecessary calories.

  • Is it wrong to drink two protein shakes a day?
  • Does protein make you poop more?
  • What can I take to gain weight quickly?

If you have any such concerns, please be patient; you will benefit more as a result.

World’s Best Weight Gainers

I’m going to go over seven of the best weight-gain generators on the market right now.

What mass gainer has the most calories?

It gives you 2000 plus calories in one serving if you have it in water. Add it in a shake or a smoothie and you go up to as high as 3000 calories in a single serving.

MuscleTech Performance Series Mass Tech Extreme 2000

It is one US-based company that makes India-specific products too. For example, MuscleTech Performance Series Mass Tech Extreme 2000 comes with 2000 plus calories per serving.

It also features less saturated fat and contains five grams of omega-rich fats, which offer more energy-dense calories. It is composed of 100% high-quality whey protein. It helps with muscle building as well as muscle protein synthesis.

Serving Size – 6 Scoops 570 gm

  • Calories – 2050
  • Fat – 6 gm
  • Cholesterol – 190 mg
  • Carbs 440 gm
  • Fibre – 3 gm
  • Sugar – 20 gm
  • Protein 60 gm
MuscleTech Mass-Tech Extreme

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

Optimum nutrition is one of the best companies worldwide for all kinds of health supplements. Their Serious Mass weight gainer is also one of the best supplements for gaining weight and muscle, which has no added sugar.

It provides creatine, glutamic acid, glutamine, and more than 25 essential minerals to boost your muscles’ overall growth. In addition, there are vitamins to enhance your body’s immune system, metabolism, and brain functions. It is a non-vegetarian product made of low-fat milk. When combined with low-fat milk, it contains 1640 calories.

Serving Size – 2 Scoops 336 gm

  • Calories – 1250
  • Fat – 4.5 gm
  • Cholesterol – 110 mg
  • Carbs – 252 gm
  • Dietary Fiber – 4 gm
  • Sugar – 20 gm
  • Protein 50 gm
Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

BSN 1200 True Mass

The BSN 1200 true mass weight gainer contains more than 1200 calories, and so the name. It has rolled oats along with essential and non-essential amino acids and features a unique carbohydrate matrix.

It has a ratio of 4:1 of carbohydrates to protein, 12 grams of natural BCCAs, and 25 grams of EAAs in every serving. Thus, it is a good source of fiber as well.

Serving Size – 2 Scoops 314 gm

  • Calories – 1230
  • Fat – 16 gm
  • Cholesterol – 160 mg
  • Carbs – 220 gm
  • Fiber – 13 gm
  • Sugar 22 gm
  • Protein 50 gm
BSN 1200 True Mass Weight Gainer

Dymatize Super Mass Gainer Protein Supplement

The Dymatize Super Mass Gainer’s biggest plus is its taste. There are various flavors to choose from, such as strawberry, vanilla, rich chocolate, cookies & cream, etc. 

It has 17 vitamins and minerals to support balanced nutrition, healthy muscle tissue and muscle recovery.

Every serving contains 10.7 grams of BCAAs. It boosts your immune system.

Serving Size – 2.5 cups 336 gm

  • Calories – 1280
  • Fat – 10 gm
  • Cholesterol 135 mg
  • Carbs – 242 gm
  • Fiber – 4 gm
  • Sugar – 22 gm
  • Protein 52 gm
Dymatize Super mass gainner

Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer

The Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer was designed for hard gainers who have difficulty, if not impossible, gaining weight. 

A delicious, high-calorie shake fortified with muscle-building protein, carbohydrates, creatine monohydrate, and essential nutrients. If you struggle with gaining weight, the Muscle Mass Gainer may help you. It’s got everything you need with the right ingredient blend to keep you constantly in a muscle-building state.

Get as many calories and the highest-quality muscle-building protein to gain weight quickly in one delicious shake with the Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer. Use it as a meal or as a post-workout drink. A nutrient-rich muscle-building food with calories.

Serving Size – 9 Scoops 341 gm

  • Calories – 1290
  • Fat – 3 gm
  • Cholesterol – 70 mg
  • Carbs 264 gm
  • Fiber – 4 gm
  • Sugar – 23 gm
  • Protein 52 gm
Labrada Muscle mass gainer

Naked Vegan Mass–Weight Gainer Protein

It is suggested that people who are either vegan or lactose intolerant consume the Vegan Naked Mass. This weight gainer provides ample protein and offers a complete amino acid profile, aiding healthy weight gain and overall health.

The Vegan Naked Mass is the ultimate weight-gaining supplement for vegans. It is the ideal blend of complete plant-based proteins and complex carbohydrates to help with muscle growth and weight gain.

Justifiably, it only has three ingredients. This item is vegan and regular and comes in three flavours: chocolate, vanilla, and unflavored. Some people, however, can blend whatever fruit they desire and make a shake flavour that is to their liking.

Serving Size – 4 Scoops 315 gm

  • Calories – 1230
  • Fat – 6 gm
  • Cholesterol – 0 mg
  • Carbs 248 gm
  • Fiber – 4 gm
  • Sugar – 24 gm
  • Protein 50 gm
Naked Vegan Mass Gainer

Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice Revolution Weight and Lean Muscle Mass Gainer

Nutrition at its Best The Muscle Juice Revolution 2600 is the ULTIMATE weight gainer currently available. The Octo-PROTM Protein blend, which includes eight essential proteins, provides 56 grams of protein. In addition, it has 170 grams of time-release carbohydrates, which help with carbohydrate digestion and reduce bloating.

The Health Fatty Acid Blend in Muscle Juice Revolution 2600 is the healthiest of all the regularly used oils. They’re low in saturated fat, high in cholesterol-fighting monounsaturated fat, and high in omega-3 fatty acids and energy.

This weight gainer protein powder has a 1000mg glutamine combination, which is important for immunological function, digestive health, and muscle recovery.

Serving Size – 4 Scoops 265 gm

  • Calories – 1020
  • Fat – 14 gm
  • Cholesterol – 170 mg
  • Carbs 170 gm
  • Sugar – 18 gm
  • Protein 56 gm

Where To Buy The Best Weight Gainers Online?

I have always bought health supplements online.  

Online retailers are usually big retailers like Amazon, Healthcart, Appoloedoc, etc., who either procure their products directly from the company or from importers. There are no middlemen in between. So the chances of the product being old, tempered, or spurious are very small.

Besides, you can return the product if you are not satisfied with it. For this reason, I always buy from Amazon and recommend that too.

Feature Image Courtesy – muscle and brawn

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