Landice L8 Treadmill

Landice L8: An Ideal Treadmill for Serious Runners

The Landice L8 treadmill review concerns a high-quality home treadmill with commercial-grade strength. It features a powerful 4.0 HP motor made in the USA, supporting speeds up to 12 mph with a lifetime warranty. The Landice treadmill L8 is designed for serious runners. It offers excellent durability and customization options.
However, it’s pretty large and has no folding option, so you’ll require a lot of space. Additionally, the Landice L8 treadmill price is $5,799, which is relatively pricey.

Landice L8 treadmill Specifications

Warranty: Parts – Lifetime, Console – 5 years, Labor – 1 year

  • Motor: 4 CHP
  • Speed Range: 0.5 mph to 12.0 mph
  • Elevation: 0% – 15%
  • Dimensions: 83″ Lx 35″ W x 60″ H
  • Running Area: 22″ x 63″
  • Elevation Motor: 1000-pound-thrust
  • Frame: Rust-free aluminum
  • Rollers: 3 1/2″ diameter, 22-pound steel rollers
  • Deck: 1-inch thick reversible deck
  • Maximum User Weight: 500 pounds
  • Footprint: 35″ x 83″
  • Shipping weight: 435 pounds
  • Heart Rate Monitor: Yes

Landice L8 treadmill Features

Motor: A US-made, 4.0 HP continuous-duty drive motor is included with the Landice L8. It has a lifetime warranty and supports speeds up to 12 mph.

Console: You can choose from three control panels with different functions.

The Pro Sports console is the least expensive option, delivering basic features. Its LCD window shows your progress through five preset workout programs and five custom-made workouts.

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The Achieve console features a 9″ color LCD with easy-to-read, motivational displays. It can keep an eye on your heart rate, connect with Bluetooth devices, and even let you set up a screen just for your high-intensity workouts. Plus, it can remember information for four different users to track how you’re doing with your activities. 

There are more choices for the control panel on this treadmill, like the Cardio Control and Executive Control Panels. Each one has different features.

Spacious Running Surface: The treadmill has a running surface that is 22″ x 63″ extra wide and long. Landice L8 is bigger than average club standards, giving serious runners plenty of room.

Frame: The frame’s construction with aircraft-grade aluminum guarantees stability and longevity. Its dimensions are 83″ long by 35″ broad and 60″ high. It is non-folding. The deck is 7 1/2″ elevated.

Deck Cushioning Options: There are two cushioning systems available:

VFX Shock Absorption: Landice is the top choice regarding treadmill shock absorption. They have the VFX Shock Suspension system, which makes your treadmill experience super comfy and safe. Whether you’re a runner or a walker, it’s perfect if you want less impact and more comfort. It is five times softer than running on grass. 

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Orthopedic Suspension

Orthopedic Suspension: The Orthopedic Suspension by Landice is gentle on your joints. It provides seven times more shock absorption than walking on grass. This system has an orthopedic tread belt and extra cushioning, significantly reducing the impact on your knees and joints.

It comes with Landice’s Lifetime Warranty and is seven times softer than running on a grassy surface.

The treadmill’s inclination (0% – 15%) capability allows for more difficult cardio exercises and improved muscle tone.

A port and grip for mobile devices, stereo speakers, a shelf for books, a fan, and a bottle holder are all features of the Entertainment Centre. You can add a tablet computer bracket or TV mount for an additional fee.

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High Weight Capacity: The Landice L8 can support users weighing up to 500 pounds, which is more than the commercial standard of 400 pounds.

Safety Measures: You can quickly stop the treadmill with an emergency button if needed, and there’s a safety cord to halt it if you slip. For extra safety, you have the option to include professional-grade handrails.


  • It has a strong motor of 4.0 HP with a lifetime warranty.
  • It boasts a comprehensive, long-running area (22″ x 63″) for severe runners.
  • It has sturdy rollers with durable 3.5″ diameter, 22-pound steel rollers.
  • Deck Cushioning Choices: You can pick from 1) VFX Shock Absorption, which is super comfy and five times softer than grass. 2) Orthopedic Suspension, which is seven times gentler than grass.
  • It has an adjustable incline going up to 15% for challenging workouts.
  • It has mobile device ports, stereo speakers, a reading rack, a fan, and a bottle holder for added convenience.


  • The Landice L8 needs substantial floor space because of its oversized track.
  • Unlike certain treadmills, the L8 doesn’t have a folding option.
  • It is expensive.

Additional Considerations

  • The L8 treadmill is excellent because it can handle people weighing up to 500 pounds, which is helpful for heavier people.
  • It also has ample running space, 22 inches wide and 63 inches long. This is perfect for tall runners. And for people who do marathons and triathletes, it’s because they need lots of room to practice, just like they’re running outdoors. You can consider Landice L7 if your height is less than 6 feet.
  • It’s important to note that the L8 has a two-inch higher step-up height than the L7 model. If you prefer a lower treadmill deck, this is something to think about.

User Experience

  • The Landice L8 cardio trainer treadmill is highly praised for its comfort, cushioning, user-friendly controls, and suitable size. This treadmill is a top recommendation for serious marathon runners.
  • Users appreciate the treadmill’s quiet and smooth operation and the benefit of a lifetime parts warranty.
  • The exceptional customer service provided by Landice stands out. It offers quick and responsive assistance from the initial shopping stage to delivery. The fact that the treadmill is made in America is also positive.
  • Overall, the user experience with Landice is excellent, from ordering the treadmill to setting it up.

Maintenance and Durability

To keep your treadmill in good shape, wipe off any sweat from the outside of the treadmill after each run. Keep the area around the treadmill clean by vacuuming, including underneath it.


The Landice L8 treadmill is a top pick for taller individuals, surpassing typical home treadmills and many club models. A lifetime parts warranty makes it a compelling choice for long-term use with minimal maintenance.
However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. It’s big and doesn’t fold, so you’ll need plenty of space.
I hope this information helps you make an informed decision.


How to clean and maintain the Landice L8 Treadmill?

Ans) Here are some tips for cleaning and maintaining your Landice L8 treadmill:

  1. Exterior Cleaning:
  • After each run, wipe off any sweat from the exterior components.
  • At least once a week during regular usage, clean the treadmill frame using either Simple Green Cleaner or a diluted solution of Dawn dishwashing detergent and water.
  • Avoid using products like Armor All or other detailing products.

2. Treadbelt Cleaning:

  • Set the treadmill at 3-4 mph and run a soft bristle nylon brush on the tread belt to loosen dirt and debris.
  • Turn off the treadmill and vacuum the belt using an upholstery brush to remove loose dirt.
  • Wipe down the belt with a clean, soft cloth sprayed with Simple Green, rotating it as necessary. Do not soak the belt.
  • Use the same cloth to wipe down the sides of the belt and exposed deck area.

3. Motor Cover Maintenance:

  • Unplug the treadmill and remove the screws holding down the motor cover.
  • Vacuum out the motor pan, vents in the drive motor, and vents in the motor cover using an upholstery brush.
  • Replace the motor cover and screws when done.

4. Workout Area:

  • Keep the area around your equipment clean and debris-free to avoid tracking anything onto the machine.
  • Vacuum around and underneath the treadmill regularly. 

Does the Landice L8 treadmill come assembled, or is assembly required?

Ans) The assembly process may vary depending on the retailer or manufacturer. Some may offer assembled units, while others may require some assembly. It’s advisable to inquire about this when purchasing.

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